RURU Kids and Gelar Agryano Soemantri

RURU Kids manages a program of art-based education that is fun, educational and innovative for children and teens. Through some programs such as art workshops, performances, music and video RURU Kids invites artists, practitioners of the art, and mentor-mentor interdisciplinary professionals to share their knowledge and experience in the field of art and culture.

Gelar Agryano Soemantri’s video works have been shown in some cities, such as in Bali, Bandung, Cilacap, Jogjakarta, also in the Netherlands (Rotterdam International Film Festival). In addition to the active work, the title also involved being the Organiser, editor and facilitator in several programs: akumassa, OK Video, 2015 2015 2015 ARKIPEL Bienalle. Some of his work can be accessed through youtube or