Tan Hui Koon, graduated from USM in 2007 has emerge her art making practice into periphery of curatorial. She currently is the curator of the National Art Gallery Malaysia. Since past 5 years, Hui Koon lead Education Division, creating dan programming substance educational programs, proposing public engagement and audience building strategy. She curated Aliran Semasa young emerging artists media art exhibition in 2013; co-curating Immaterial Frontiers 2.0, a South East Asia media art exhibition in 2014; and created a community project, Gerakan Seni (Art On The Move) in 2015 as artistic director. She just curated 101 Malaysian Women Art Show, 2017. She is one of the curators for Mapping: Malaysia Modern Art History 1920-1970 proposing permenant exhibition of NAG; The Malaysia Contemporary Forum Exhibition at Ilham Gallery and the first Kuala Lumpur Biennale 2017.